Who we Are?
We are a Texas Based Forms website that creates affordable forms and instructional videos for users to use to represent themselves in court. We also offer a connection to unbundled lawyers who charge by the specific action that needs to be taken. This creates transparency in pricing and more satisfied clients. C.W. Martin created EZtexasDivorce.com. To read more about the attorneys who will represent you visit cwmartinlaw.com.
What we Do?
We create forms for statewide use in Texas. These forms are currently only for family law. We create videos to instruct users on how to complete the forms and how to represent themselves in court. We also link to full-service yet affordable lawyers who offer payment plans. We utilize technology to create web-based worksheets that save paralegal time. Clients can complete this worksheets to communicate their needs to their attorney. These worksheets also allow Clients to upload evidence they want to present in court. These worksheets allow users to upload text messages, videos, pictures, and text boxes for Clients to explain their concerns.
We serve the entire state of Texas. Our main office is located at 701 W. Belknap St. Fort Worth, TX 76102
Because we like helping as many people as we can. Using technology helps us serve more customers.
We have been practicing law in Texas a combined 75 years. We don’t see an end in sight. This site was created in 2020.
We used our experience to identify how to help customers represent themselves. We utilize technology like video to reduce the time it takes a human to explain forms. We utilize worksheets to reduce the clutter of email and calls. We utilize web tools like Calendly yo allow users to schedule their own appointments. Calendly also sends text message reminders of hearings, mediations, and appointments.
We also use complex forms paired with videos to explain how to draft the correct pleadings, how to file those pleadings, how to serve those pleadings, and how to represent yourself in court.
We utilize payment plans to help Client’s retain a lawyer when needed.
Thanks for visiting our website. Thank you for putting you trust in our products. We know you are in a difficult place right now, but remember–
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